
Indian Navy च्या ताफ्यात आ . . . . .

मालवण : येथील तारकर्ली किनारी सोमवारी . . . . .

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कार्यक्रमाआधी 'माल . . . . .

‘आयएनएस मालवण’ मालवणचा समुद्रकिनारा . . . . .

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A living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses, esp. of sight and hearing: Mammals, insects, reptiles, and birds are all animals. In ordinary use, animal means all living beings except humans: A lion is a wild animal, and a dog is a domestic animal.


Ganapatipule beach, Tarkarli Beach, Alibaug Beach, Kashid beach, Murud beach, Juhu beach, Versova beach, Manori beach, Harihareshwar beach, Madh island, Aksa beach, Diveagar beach, Malvan beach, Revdanda Beach and many more. Loaded with all sorts of natural beauty, the beaches in Konkan are a perfect place to head out on a weekend getaway. All t


One of human beings' major asset is our ability of take care of our health and be healthy. our first priority should be to be healthy. COVID-19 LATEST NEWS AVAILABLE HERE.


Rise and Fall it's a roller coaster ride, the stock market. Bussines booming on a large scale and small handicraft artists making a livelihood. Stories from all around the world on business and trade.


Bible reading plan that guides you through scripture. Or, it could refer to a series of meditations or mindfulness exercises. They can range in length and content but in short, a devotional is a tool that enables and encourages your spiritual growth.


भारतातील कोकण हा प्रदेश भारताचा पश्चिम समुद्रकिनारा आणि किनाऱ्याला समांतर असलेली सह्याद्री डोंगररांग यांच्या मधल्या भागात असलेला भूमीचा पट्टा आहे. कोकण किनारपट्टी हा एक ७२० कि.मी. (४५० मैल) लांबीचा समुद्रकिनारा आहे. हा प्रदेश महाराष्ट्र,गोवा आणि कर्नाटक या तीन राज्यांच्या सीमावर्ती भागात येतो. कोकणची भूमी अपार निसर्ग सौंदर्याने नटलेली आहे. माडांच्य


Education is everything to survive in this competetive world. what is the latest when it comes to education and need to get education to every part of the world and the poor.


ROLL. CAMERA. ACTION. Behold the drama unfold in the coolest way possible. Catch your favorite celebrities on their new projects and endorsements.


A festival is an extraordinary event celebrated by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect or aspects of that community and its religion or cultures. It is often marked as a local or national holiday or mela. A festival constitutes typical cases of glocalization, as well as the high culture-low culture interrelationship. Next to rel


Take a tour around the world's culinary deliciousness. Let yourself get melted in the taste and aroma for the food that we bring to you from every cuisine the world has seen.


महाराष्ट्रातील जवळपास ४०० हून अधिक किल्ल्याची यादी खाली दिली आहे. बऱ्याच किल्ल्यांना एकापेक्षा अधिक नावाने ओळखले जाते. काही किल्ल्यांचे इतिहासात वेगळ्या नावाने संदर्भ आहेत पण आता त्यांना त्या नावाने ओळखले जात नाही. बऱ्याच किल्ल्यांचे ऐतिहासिक संदर्भ तर आढळतात पण त्यांचा खुणा ह्या पुर्णपणे नष्ट झाल्या आहेत, तर बरीच किल्ले ही नष्ट होण्याच्या मार्गा


that really lived or happened; connected with real people or events in the past वास्‍तविक, भौतिक अस्‍तित्‍व वाला; इतिहास से संबंधित, ऐतिहासिक

National day

A national day is a day on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a nation or state. It may be the date of independence, of becoming a republic, of becoming a federation, or a significant date for a patron saint or a ruler (such as a birthday, accession, or removal)


Get a grip of the intriguing situation of Indian politics and where exactly our country is going under the leadership of our current leaders.


And it's a six or GOALLL!!!! are a few things that make us feel like a child. Sports, tournaments and league matches, where is each team standing, what is new in the world of sports??


World is changing rapidly because of the development of technology and boom in the need for technology, because nothing can be done without technology in today's world. So be up to date on the latest developments.